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      About Fugong Engineering

      It plans to build an annual output of more than 5,000 sets of new energy bus powertrain production base

      Fujian Fugong Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.

      Founded in March 2009, is a professional research and development of new energy bus drive assembly, production, sales and service of high-tech enterprises. The company has strong technical force and professional experimental conditions, in cooperation with universities, electrical, mechanical and other related enterprises, the establishment of the "Fujian passenger hybrid powertrain research alliances."

      We set the industry together, parties, plans to build an annual output of more than 30,000 sets of new energy bus powertrain production base. 

      The company's commitment to "extended-range plug-in power system assembly heavy commercial development," won the National Ministry of Science and High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program) project.

      Products Show

      Products involved in bus hybrid drive assembly, buses and other electric drive unit


      Our business partner


      Contact us

      Add: Tongan Industrial Park, Xiamen City, Tong Tong Road 123, No. - 127 (361100)

      Sales:0592-7213967  0592-7213968

      Aftermarket:0592-7213963  Administrative Personnel:0592-7213996



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